i read the whole series. and oh my god its so beautiful. i adore and I'm really attached to the characters.
And the twists in every book. i also read the novellas, and oh GOD ITS BEAUTIFUL.
i really really recommend you read the series. Honestly the author did a really amazing job writing all that, and as an author myself, I aspire to write like her.
i really love the character development.
and I really understand now why did every character turn out the way they are. really, really amazing.
i cry, laugh, scream, and cry again in one page.
Kenji has my heart. i adore his humor and his whole personality and the way he talks.
Aaron is just amazing. idk how to describe him, but he's just amazing.
Juliette is just wholesome
I honestly kept getting confused by Winston, Brendan and Ian, but they are nice characters honestly. i love their whole group and their friendships.
Adam. i loced adam in the first book but then I started to dislike him, but he's a nice character too.
ANDERSON??????????? in imagine me. oh my god. i got a soft spot for him. his back story is quite sad.
overall, the whole series is amazing and really worth the read. i read some of the book online, and honestly, I would love to buy the physical book, because it really deserves to be on my shelf.
the author really deserves a huge applause. I'm really proud of the author and how far she's come and how famous her book got. You did an amazing job. Well done.