People like Saul seriously anger me. Fortunately, my tiny tiny attention span didn't make it to the end and my inattentiveness almost made me forgot to finish this review. His thesis ("ADHD is a symptom cluster") was a reasonable premise, but he ends up being an outright ADHD-denier. People like him contribute to stigmatizing ADHD and just provide unsustained arguments to those calling us "character-flawed, lazy, difficult, undisciplined, over-emotional poseurs".
If a college student wrote such vague, pretentious sentences, he would be condemned to an explosion of red ink. But Saul goes on, tossing out a plethora of empty nonsense that can't possibly be proven – without any instructive explanation. How this man became a clinician is a mystery. The sooner forgotten the better.
Seriously man, ADHD is not an excuse, it's a daily reality.