This show is good and krishnavani is so interesting and give many life lessons. But the show is misguiding people about rukmini and other queens of lord krishna. Radha's existence is not mentioned in Mahabharata or bhagavata purana or any other ancient literary writings. The show is representing rukmini as the person with lot of pride and jealous we all should know that she is the incarnation of mata Lakshmi. The story of sri krishnatulabharam is the sole proof for her devotion and selfless love towards lord. Rukmini wad the patta mahishi of dwarka and she loved lord Krishna without even having a glimpse of him and only by hearing his stories. The way this show is representing characters is only imaginary not true. The way you watch show is different from how things actually are. Please don't disrespect mother of the universe just because of show. Even in vishnusahasra namam it is mentioned that "rukmini satyabhamabhyam sahitam krishnamashraye".