Please Nintendo. This game is great, and I've logged over 200 hours playing. There are many quality improvements that I would love to be added that other people have already stated. However, with a game like Animal Crossing, it is imperative that you add a cloud save option as soon as possible. Your reason for not implementing it from the get-go? To prevent players from cheating. First of all, if a few tech-savy players want to "cheat" and have millions of bells, just let them. You don't need to punish every single player for people who are "cheating" in a non-competitive game. There are no micro-transactions, so this wouldn't even be affecting your profits. Secondly, there have been various duplication glitches anyway without using a cloud save to exploit. What is the point of not implementing a full cloud save when people have been and currently are duplicating islands, with many people using methods that you have stated are UN-PATCHABLE. Please Nintendo. You have already made me live in fear of the day my switch gets permanently damaged and my entire island is gone. Although I am also very dissapointed that you only allow one island per switch, at this point the most important thing that the developers work to add is a working save data for all Animal Crossing players. In your release, you have stated that there would be a recovery option released sometime after launch. It's mid-June without a single word on the progress of this. Many players have logged upwards of 500 hours. Please Nintendo. I beg you.