Jennifer Brea is now a new heroine to me. This is truly a scary topic, because it is REALLY not understood. Now that our world has been forced to experience the realities of isolation during a pandemic, caused by invisible cruel Viruses. . . Maybe just MAYBE someone, somewhere in the intelligent medical community will find the answers and funding to research an end to this agony. It is REAL, it IS everywhere. NO one would CHooSE to live with this, if they in fact had that choice. It takes an AmaZing and StronG partner to be able to accept, document and cope with the fluctuations of this unpredictable disease. I have to add, that even though I enjoy the comedy of Ricky Gervais, his jokes about ME show a lazy ignorance on his part. Sending out as much ENERGY and pain-free Blessings to ALL that read and can appreciate this, and if you haven't yet, please watch this documentary. You may develop even more compassion than you thought you already had.