So obviously some scenes look very fake with the blood and everything but overall this movie is very cool. For me to like this movie is crazy because I'm not big on horror movies. If you would like to watch it I wouldn't recommend it if you scare easily although I scare very easily this movie showed me why you shouldn't make deals with satan because it leads to harmful and very bad consequences. As a Christian I love God but this movie was really really cool the ending was amazing though. overall solid 5/5 stars again McG did his thing and it was just overall a really good movie. But on one note if you want to watch it it's on Netflix. I also recommend if you are not allowed to watch PG13/PG/Rated R please don't watch this movie, and if you are under 11 I don't recommed the first or second movie. I highly doubt your parents want to deal with your nightmares. Like take me for instance I had many nightmares that I was in the same situation as Cole in the movie (basically the first one). But again McG did his thing on this movie and I loved it! Also if you didn't watch the first one then you won't understand this second at all. But like I said the first one scared me more than the second.