This is the perfect example of how filmmakers have have gone from storytellers to attention seekers. Critics praised this film for being a “new kind of horror”, but there’s nothing new here. Most horror films contain some level of family drama that drive the story, but this one has a family and no story. What is this movie even about!?
At the beginning of the film Annie describes her mother as a secretive woman who preformed private rituals. This seems like a clear indication that the film will revolve heavily around her mother, but an hour and a half go by and we still have no idea what Annie’s mother has to do with the things they’re experiencing. In fact what she’s experiencing seems more like a mental breakdown than the act of paranormal forces.
Throughout the film there are several scenes that create questions for the audience that are never answered. Annie says Charlie was her grandmother’s favorite and Charlie seems to have had a close relationship with her strange grandmother, but why was Charlie so important to a woman who seemed to be mentally ill? What is the real point of Annie’s doll houses? They’re creepy, but don’t seem to contribute anything to the story. Is Annie possessed or is she part of the Pagan religion her mother was a part of? Why is Peter being tortured throughout the film then ends up with in the role her got?
I had an endless amount of issues with this film. This film, like Midsommer, showed a lot of promise, but failed to deliver. Both films were rushed which destroyed the storyline and character development. The acting was good but the overall story wasn’t there for the actors to save it. This film just revolves around shockingly violent scenes that make me question Aster’s sanity instead of praising his “creativity”.
Maybe as a TV series it would’ve been able to tell a story, but as a film it was just a waste of a potentially great idea.