I think (for me) personally this game is NOT as good as the original the combat is slow, chunky and unresponsive the (sneak up and kill an enemy option) is almost a joke it doesn't work most of the time the attack triangle flashes and can't get a lock on even though the enemy clearly can't see you. I can shoot a guy with five bullets and he or she still stands. It's extremely difficult to figure out where the surrounding enemies are primarily due to poor camera angles for your character resulting in lots of unnecessary deaths this is especially predominant with dogs and enemies with guns.
Also, I can sympathize with other fans of the first installment about the particulars on Joel meeting his maker I understand that in the world they are living in you can't be careful constantly you get tired of the constant drama and watching over one's shoulder but personally I felt it was just too hurried...The way Joel died was kind of weak but with all that going on whose to say it couldn't happen that way. Now..the whole issue with Elle being a lesbian and the kissing and all that stuff..I could care less! It seems like more studios are becoming more politically correct and would like to cast their on beliefs on the consumer (I personally watch and read about these things every day on main stream media) and don't approve of them being in a $60 video game I purchased it doesn't make the game more compelling it just kind of makes it like man..not this again! Developers listen THERE IS NO SHOCK VALUE ASSOCIATED WITH LESBIANISM AND HOMOSEXUALITY ANYMORE! It's apart of main stream culture I don't need it shoved in my face. I just need a great well balanced game and even though the Last of Us part 2 has a beautiful presentation like the original It's pacing, controls and combat are not up to par for a AAA title like this. The Last of Us really ended for me with the first game it's still is one of the greatest video games ever made.