This album has been described by some as a "jam session"---and if so, it's a very good one. There's one track that caught my ear and my attention from the first time I heard it:"Wheatleigh Hall"---it's a blues in B-flat that ambles along at the characteristic speed of, shall we say in modern Star Trek terms,"Warp Eight"---as fast as the drums can start it off. A blues with an eerie intro, the same eerie chord sequence for the theme, and loads of room for the kind of improvisation---I would have loved to hear John Coltrane go after this one. Another track I just love is "Con Alma"---and here we can speculate: is this a chord sequence where Diz sets things up for what Trane would do a short time later? In any case, this is an album to be listened to and enjoyed---I would give it five stars, no questions asked.