I used to buy every Call of duty game until Call of duty Black Ops 3 (only because of the zombies), after years of waiting on actual good Call of duty title, this game came out, and its AMAZING!!!
First of all- the campaign is one of the best campaigns I have ever played, it's dark, it's mysterious, the attention to details blows your mind away! I love "Alex", I love Kyle, I love every part of every single mission and my friends love it even more!
Then, the multiplayer- Which is amazing as well!! Gun game-play is just WOW, and the new blacksmith system is great and it feels fresh and well designed, the maps are ok, I prefer some maps more then other, but even those maps are well made and easy to remember and play them. And the cross-play is not toxic as I thought it will be, it's actually pretty good that I can play with my friends with Xbox and PlayStation while I'm on the PC (finally the war who got the better console or platform is over in this game)
The Co-op- I didn't play Co-op a lot, only one mission, and it was hard but well-made, it is like the old days of spec-ops which was amazing.
In the end of the day, I am pretty sure if you completed the main story, you can't wait for the next Modern Warfare title. The campaign have really memorable moments, even though it's 6-8 hours of game-play, it's really good. I can't wait to see what they will do with future multiplayer updates and to be completely honest, I hope they won't ruin the game to much with CODPOINTS (like previous titles, which was awful and ruined the old Call of duty vibes). And for Co-op mode I can't say enough cause I didn't play it as much as I wanted to but I am sure I'll hope on with my friends and complete it all in a day.