I’m a huge fan of the original. The one thing that made the original great was the soundtrack performed by Jeff healey in the movie. Fast forward 37 years. What the hell have they done? The bands are absurd. Indie girl bands with violins or some 100 year old piano player with a ZZ Top beard playing 2 chord songs. Music sucks.
I watch all remakes and most of them aren’t great, but aren’t terrible. This was the most colossal waste of time on the planet. The story tries to copy the original, but the thugs are weak, the love story is absurd and the acting is horrible. The main villain had some promise, but never developed.
Also, there isn’t a Sam Elliott character, who practically stole the original movie. It’s just another amazing concept ruined by woke casting and ineffective characters. Way to destroy a cult classic.
In the immortal words of Tony soprano, What ever happened to the strong silent type?