So here's an update on my opinion/Review of The last of us 2 so far. I'm about 5 hours in.
This game is AWESOME. It's heavily story based so if you haven't played the first one, play it. The first one is amazing and this one did not disappoint. If you've heard bad reviews, ignore them. This game got review bombed an hour after it came out. You can't base anything on those opinions trust me. If you play it, you will be able to tell how much effort Naughty Dog put into it.
You don't have to play the first game but you will appreciate the second one a lot more if you do. It's a continuation of the story from the first one after all! :)
The story is amazing. It might make you sad/angry at times but it passes and that honestly just helps immerse you further into the story. The fact that it even evokes emotions at all tells you it's a good story that's going to keep you engaged. Plus it's only at certain points in the game. You're not constantly going to be upset, I promise. You'll mostly just be having a good time and wondering what's going to happen next. It can get a little intense is all.
Its a 3rd person shooter game where you kill what are essentially zombies; but in this game they're called infected. There are 4 classes of infected, each stronger than the last, but you learn all of this from the first game.
The game play is the same as the first one for the most part, except they made this one a bit more challenging, which I like personally. If it's too difficult for you, you can change the difficulty level. There are 5 difficulties to choose from. You still sneak, shoot, loot and kill in this game and it's still just as fun!
Anyway, if you were doubting buying The Last Of Us 2, you probably haven't played the first one or you read some trolls bad review. I do suggest getting the first game and playing it through. Once you do, I guarantee you will want to see what happens in the second one. Hope that helps!