this game would be five star had rockstar waited a few more months before release and had focused more on the online version. The story is the best I have ever played, despite the fact some missions difficulties can vary, the attention to detail and realism is unmatched. I have seen some comments say it is boring, however I don't see how. I completely prefer it to GTA and Pretty much every COD or assassins creed campaign which become very repetitive and your missions are so manipulated unlike in RDR2 in which thanks to the free roam map you can use multiple strategies for a single mission. Alot of the lowest reviewers on this have evidently not completed the story and yet still rush to give low ratings with one saying character develoment was 'non-existing'. which is the complete opposite to how the story played out. The wide variety of side missions and ability to go hunting or fishing whenever you feel like it as well as the random interactions allow you to play for hours without feeling bored as unlike traditional campaigns it is constantly changing and you can have a large effect on how each sub plot plays out. This story requires some patience especially when moving around the map via horseback which some people obviously lack and prefer more predictable fast paced stories which tend to involve very similar run and gun strategies and as fun as it might be for the first couple of times mindless violence with little plot behind it.
This game could have been amazing had rock star not flopped on the initial launch of online mode which quickly covered the game in a cloud of irrelevancy. This ultimately without a significantly large update will mean it will never be as popular is it could have which may have even out-done the online version of GTA5 which is still frequently played by people years after its initial release.
It's quite annoying giving this such a low rating despite the fact the story is a masterpiece but even that cannot save the butchered online version flooded with griefers.