The movie is based on one enormous plot hole followed by lots of other plot holes. It makes no sense.
So Elsa is born from a magical being and somehow has to appease magical beings to make the order or balance of things right...but why couldn’t her mom/magical being just do that herself?
The overarching theme in the frozen franchise is that a woman doesn’t need romantic love to fulfill her potential. So in Frozen 2, romantic love is traded for whiny sister codependency that’s somehow mistakenly called love. Anna’s clinginess is annoying.
The movie just meanders and feels so long even though it’s just over 90 minutes. The songs are ok. Panic At The Disco’s remake of Into The Unknown is far more interesting than the movie version.
The one good thing this movie has is beatific visual, however they dissipate about 2/3rds of the way through the film in favor of a more scorched earth feel. And there’s something creepy about the faces of the animated characters now; one, their eyes are way too big, and two, there’s something about the texture or translucence of their skin that is off putting.
Don’t worry about seeing this one in the theatre. It’s a firm D.