A wonderful tv show! The only tv show comparable to this is "the mentalist!" I haven't read the books, but the tv shows seems to follow Sir Arther Doyle's plots precisely, rarely with a deviation. Even if you read the books and don't want to waste your time watching the same plot, the acting and cleverness behind it is just incomprehensible. The show also have a modern twist to it, so it is different in other aspects than the books. You must must watch this, and will enjoy it! Each episode is like a movie length. The episodes are a bit long, but I suggest you binge watch one season, take a break, binge another, take a break. Besides the mentalist tv show, it is hard to find tv shows this good. So to make this last long, find a way to portion when , and how long you watch the tv show. You don't want to watch it all in a short time-span and feel bad that you don't have anything good to watch, but that said, you also don't want to watch like 10 minute parts of the episode every month. By doing either method, you will lose the intended emotion/feel and suspense attached to the show. To have the best experience, binge a season, --break--, repeat.