The problem with these movies is that their's no real structure to the world the movie takes place in, no pattern. I get that they wanted to build up the main character to be this tough badass character, however the execution was horrible. She got tossed around so many times against rocks also she got caught by a humongous spider and didn't get even scratched. The others around got killed by the first thing that touched them. Also the whole plot was terribly thought of, it was shaky. The people that were stuck there before these idiots arrived could've easily done what they needed to do without the main character. They created a problem (which wasn't a problem, really) so they can give her purpose/reason to be in on the action, to me it was a hole in the plot and not the only one. Don't get me started with the graphics. Overall the movie was no better than my twelve years old brothers school project movie. If your looking for frustration and unsatisfaction you'll find it watching this movie.