You need to go back and study a bit harder on your theory on these subjects.
I am a type 2 diabetic and my blood sugars were averaging around 17.
3 months ago I started the lectin free diet.
I managed to with in 1 month get my sugars down to 7 to 10.
Then I went off insulin and a short time later as I wanted to see what was affecting my blood sugars.
So I started testing my bloods up to 10 times a day.
The number 1 raise was sugars the worse being in flavored drinks from colas to fruit drinks.
2 carbs had a massive affect on them.
The less carbs I ate the more weight I lost in turn my sugar level dropped.
Number 3 a1 milk but not a2 milk.
So were these doctors got there information from puzzles me.
So to me this whole documentary is totally miss informationing peice on the daibeties I have watched by my own study's I have done on my self.
I haven't any thing against vegan except that they go to extreme lengths to convince people they are right.
I have on this food plan cut my meat intake to a small amount but not because of diabetes but meat can make us age quicker.