So I've played Resident Evil, since it's first game on PlayStation.
I've loved the series and played every game except for the 3rd, but played all the ones after. 4, 5, 6, and 7 before this. Even some of the remakes. I love the zombie genre and have appreciated the RE series, even 7 for what it was.
That being said
I'm usually the FIRST person to point out and hate on departures from series
However, I love Vampires and werewolves and even though this wasn't another zombie game. I enjoyed 7 so much and the FPS aspect of the game that I was looking forward to Village
Usually my expectations only lead to disappointment and I saw some of the haters out there and was worried it would be a let down.
It wasn't
My biggest hope and reason for buying RE8 was the big vampire lady all her sexiness, and even though she isn't in the majority of the game and I thought I would hate the rest.
From the visuals to the other boss battles to the characters and differences between stages, music... Just EVERYTHING worked
I couldn't put the game down and found my self thoroughly envested in pushing forward
Even Hiesenburg who I thought I'd hate... I enjoyed the whole buildup and fight
I give this game a 10/10 or 5 stars
I beat it in a week, but find myself wanting to play it all the way through again... I miss every part of this game and how beautiful it is and fun it is in solving puzzles, trying to run away and escape with my life or blowing up multiple enemies