The Flamin' Thongs is an Australian children's animated television series written by Simon Dodd and Bruce Griffith. The main story follows a dysfunctional Thong Family, as they try to put their small hometown of Whale Bay on the map. Through the use of impressive storytelling and a great sense of humour, you can see why it is one of the world's favourite shows.
Through main characters, Holden Thong, Narelle Thong, Trevor Thong, Brenda Thong and the toad, the plot really came to life with the bight imagination of Simon Dodd and Bruce Griffith. The plot entails a disastrous family who live in Whale Bay which is home to Australia’s least visited tourist attraction, the Giant Thong. This is just brilliant, and instantly captures the attention of any TV watcher.
The humour in The Flamin' Thongs is just an absolute masterpiece, from one liners to even episode long jokes. The amount of times it had me rolling around on the floor in tears. The feeling is priceless and it's all thanks to The Flamin' Thongs. The mayhem that unfolds in Whale Bay is just legendary and it doesn't fail to make me belly laugh every time I watch an episode.
In Summary, this show conveys a strong message to never give up and even when things don't look good and to be strong. It shows the message that mistakes only make you stronger and nothing is impossible which is a powerful message to show through a children’s tv show. Through the masterful storytelling and ingenious humour, this show really deserves all of its praise. 5 Stars