If watching this doesn’t show you how horribly racist and oppressive our society is, I truly don’t know what other sign you need. My favorite quote from this is (verbatim) “we used to call the legislature a circus but now we call it a zoo because at least the animals in a circus are trained). At the beginning of this show there was truly no reason to persecute these people beside the fact these old white people in a little town didn’t want people to bother them. It’s truly disgusting. Let alone the way the government handled this situation is truly a disgrace and an embarrassment to this country. Sad to say that they haven’t changed much in that aspect. I wonder if those government officials watch this back and are truly proud of the way they presented themselves. America is no longer and never will be again the greatest country in the world. As long as we have bigoted, ignorant, power hungry old white men sitting the chair.