I was a dedicated fan of the show prior to Max Kellermans departure. I would watch every single day, included times I would travel and from different countries- Thanks to Hulu. Max added a nuanced approach to the show, especially when it came to racial issues. I've found that without Max, the show lacks true depth and is very one dimensional and seems more in the line of trash TV now. Stephen A. Megalomaniac and because Dave Roberts is his buddy, allowed him to sabotage the show to satisfy his own ego. Stephen A. Is intimidated by anyone that appears smarter or more insightful than him. You could easily sense tension when the likes of Big Perk, or Swagu outshines him. As a former fan of the show- I will absolutely not watch this show ever again until Stephen A. Checks his ego at the door, and humble himself and give Max Kellerman a public apology and raise while begging him to return to the show. I might add, I'm an African American male.