rubbish casting apart from a few of the cast, terrible costume design (nilfgaardian armor among other things). Large parts of the book and themes that are essential to the books story are left out. It is as if Lauren S. Hissrich was pissed when she decided on the cast. This show deserves the criticism it gets and the hate. When we change characters that people have grown up and loved and related to, to so called diversify. When actually all that means is try to make more money and reach a larger audience, you lose the very fans that loved it in the first place. This should never be done with any character, characters should stick to what the author intended. Guessing one of the major issues is Andrzej Sapkowski is bitter at CD Project Red for doing his books for more justice than they deserve and flushing out an amazing world the way this disgrace of a show could never do.