I love the books. I don’t understand why, with Jordan’s incredibly diverse world that encompasses everyone did they have to do blatantly push the woke envelope and change the script so much that it is “Wheel of Time” in name only. One of Robert Jordan's greatest feats with his series was delivering a world full of unique cultures and nations. Jordan was already ahead of his time. He wrote multiple strong female characters into the books. Yes, the Dragon reborn has to be male (which they changed and totally throws a major plot line) and is very important to saving the world BUT it’s the women of the series that do a lot to get him there. Pillow friends are mentioned in the white tower. We didn’t have to change Siuan’s and Moraine’s relationship, especially knowing Moraine’s future and indeed long time secret love. What happened to subtlety and trusting the audience to get what’s really going on? To quote another reviewer “these characters are complete strangers from the descriptions given in the novels to achieve some racial and gender equality which was already more than represented in the original story.”
Some of the changes such as quick progression through the timeline and casting, make it down right confusing as to what character comes from where and how long time passes between some of these events-traveling from one country to another.
The characters seem one-dimensional and they have stripped all the humorous bits in the script. We never get to see the rascal Mat who is always down for a good time.
I’ve read some arguments that say “they need to rush it because it wouldn’t last as many seasons as the books”. Give your audience a chance. Look at how people still gobble up anything related to Harry Potter. Look at how long Star Trek has lasted.
I won’t be watching the second season.