This is in response to Geoff Galloway. What you say is true, however, although we are saved, we still have a tendency to do ungodly things, whether it is a momentary bad thought, a habitual sin, saying something unkind to someone or anything. That's why we are advised in Phil 2:12 to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. The day we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior our old man did not disappear. According to Rom 12:1-2 we should not be conformed to this world and it's ways anymore, but, be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we may prove what is that good and acceptable will of God. That's a process it takes time to develop a new character in Christ where the flesh is in submission to our own spirit man and primarily to God. If you noticed Sid always says to the audience the prayer is for those who would like to receive Jesus as Savior. Acknowledgement of our sin state and repentance from sin is required. Everyone should have the opportunity for salvation. Sid is only doing his job according to the Word of God. Don't be irritated by it. Be glad as the angels in Heaven that rejoices over those who repent. This is what Jesus reported happens according to Luke 15:10. So while Heaven rejoices, you're irritated? Repent brother and always remember something else Jesus said, "He who is without sin let him cast the first stone." John 8:7