People all have opinions, personally if you don't like the game tell your friends, but stop with such exaggerations, like its the worst game ever, makes your opinion sound less then from the beginning, second if you didn't play wildlands from the beginning, which i may add was their first attempt at a open world for g.r., and breakpoint their second attempt, I would like to see the complainers who are and not getting paid by other companies to bash this game, make one themself. There wasnt pvp at the beginning of wildlands for about a year. but after a year of trial and error many people are still just beginning to experience wildlands and I will go visit some of my new friends in the jungle, but after I finish my first go at this ridiculously amazing game because i know. Ubisoft listens and trys to do whats best for the majority, or at least for who pays the bills, lol. and please stop with pay to win , caca, mostly everything is cosmetic or you can get in game, those that pay dont have time to play all day like some. Yes I am a complete run on sentence, speech slash, pure ad for ubisoft and they have not paid me to date 10/16/2019. unless they want lol. No says no to a little push. I hope to be content creating soon and even though wildlands is old and breakpoint might be old I will do both, because I love this genre and love what GR has become, brilliant guys, old GR is always faithful, but it started getting a bit stale, this is a business, I just keep hearing all this negative junk. Keep it yall. if you cant play the game, ask for help. get vulnerable. if your old their are ways to compensate even in pvp, This game really is amazing, and its just getting started.I go back to SOCOM if you guys remember, sorry GR , but they made this genre not GR. But you have definitely stepped up the game. Yes more people in coop or pvp will come when they plan to get rid of the game, it happens with all old games, so be scared when that happens, thats why "Black hawk down" was 32 man battle, it was a one hit wonder. Awesome game. Super memories. try it out for 30 days if not get some of your money back at gamestop. how much do you pay for other things and get frustrated and elated like this. Women and we pay more for them, lol.