Tonight 9/9/21 as I watched I felt so sad for the mom named Samantha who is in such fear for her son and other children not wearing masks. It was sad that she was not getting the information she really needs to make a qualified decision for her child.
The truth is now coming out that in highly vaccinated countries the virus is running rampant and over 80% of patients in the ICU are vaccinated. Also those who are vaccinated are carrying over 300% of the virus and are actually spreading it more than the unvaccinated. Futhermore it has been discovered that clothe masks which have been found to do absolutely nothing for protection; (or Hospitals would use them Lol) cause a person to rebreath exhaled air which is full of toxins, bacteria and viruses. Also preventing someone from getting enough oxygen to their lungs and body actually hurting their organs. This has all been proven by the Mayo Clinic and reports from Isreal who is the highest vaccinated Country on the planet. Also from many honest MD's.
I sure wish you would tell ALL the news so your viewers would understand why there has been such a two sided battle over masks and vaccines. You would certainly get a lot more viewer's who would then profit personally from your program by being better informed. You could interview both sides and let the people judge which side they want to be on. It would make it much more interesting to watch and talk about if nothing else.