The show is rigged. Alejandro has been groomed as the winner by Idol. Why do you think he is always mellow. He already knows he won. The show has giving him more exposure, telling people to vote for him. He has talent but it is limited to soft music. He cannot hit any high notes. He cannot sing Rock, country, rap. There are far more contestants with more skill. Idol has been keeping his parents a secret. Why? Because they are illegal aliens. When they make him the winner they will bring out the parents.They will say " America picked the son of illegal aliens over native white americans" Its a political stunt by the left. ABC has a history of bias. they hate Trump. It has been proven that more right wingers watch the show than the left wingers. No way in hell would the right vote for Alejandro over Lane. Don't believe me. Watch and see. When it happens, stand up and do something. Make the show show the public the votes. American Idol is rigged, Fake., They are playing it's viewers. They think they are fools, stupid, idiots. If you believe America picked Alejandro than maybe they are right.