I adore Rick and Morty and subsequently it’s all I ever talk about, however I’m concerned for how season 7 is going to turn out as a whole. As of writing this currently there is only 3 episodes out so I’m not going to down grade the whole show review just yet since the show could easily pick itself back up, but recently I have felt as though the shows writers are starting to target it towards a male audience. While this is no fault of the shows, Rick and Morty is primarily watched by males and because of this it’s starting to feel like maybe the newer writers are plagiarizing off of this. Watching it as a women I can’t help but feel like the episodes I’m watching are directed towards the men watching and the women have to catch up as it goes. The episodes currently have been centered around the male characters specifically Rick, this isn’t out of character and it doesn’t bother me what bothers me is the sudden change in personality for characters like Rick and even Jerry to an extent. Especially during episode 2 The Jerrick Trap where Rick and Jerry swapped bodies, and when they swapped back there was still a bit of each others brains in the others brain (I know that’s really confusing but that’s the simplest way I can put it lol). Throughout the episode all I could think about was how much of a dick they both where acting, I know the whole premise of the episode was that they’re not technically Rick or Jerry but I feel like neither of them would behavior like that. At one point they almost walked out on their family and if it wasn’t for a rake hitting them in the face they would’ve done so. Maybe I just hate seeing Rick and Jerry hang out but the episode made me want to throw my laptop out of the window. This next point isn’t the shows fault but it really got me thinking about the show in its entirety, about a week before the new season premiered Adult Swim released a promo advert which featured Beth and Summer. The gag of the promo was that this was before the new voices where announced so we all where desperate to here them but instead they where teasing us by showing us characters we already know. However a few days after watching the ad an article popped up talking about it and they kept using key words like ‘New girl boss promo for season 7!’ And ‘Talking about feminism’ and it really annoyed me. The two characters teased the new season a little bit and one of them made a joke about crushing the intergalactic patriarchy but aside from that there was nothing ‘femenistic’ about it. The whole article felt like the writer was saying “here you go girls since I know you couldn’t possibly want to watch such a manly, sciencey show without your boyfriend forcing you to watch it”. My conclusion is this, I haven’t been enjoying the new season so far, I feel looked down on and pushed to the side. I love Rick and Morty, it’s been my favorite show since I was 13 years old, it’s helped through times I didn’t think I would ever get through and in many ways it saved me. So please don’t let this be the downfall.