I wanted more than anything to love this movie, I went through all the stages of grief, but my opinion is that this movie has been the final nail in the coffin for what I thought was going to be the best thing ever when Disney purchased the Star Wards franchise with the intention to breathe new life in it.
So let me begin by saying SPOILERS BELOW
Now, I went through this movie with a cautious hope that this was going to right the wrongs that I felt Last Jedi introduced into the franchise. I think it is evident to everyone at this point that Disney did not have an overarching plot for this trilogy and probably extended too much creative freedom to their directors. I say this because, looking back at this new trilogy as a whole, it doesn't make any sense. I couldn't even really tell you any major themes of the films.
Once I started thinking about Rise of Skywalker, I (unfortunately) couldn't help myself from asking questions that led me to feel deeply angry about what I perceive as a huge injustice to Star Wars. These are the questions I began asking -
1) Ok, so Palpatine is back? Cool, we literally saw this guy get chucked in a reactor and turned into dust AND THEN THE STATION VAPORIZES. Ok....whatever, rule of cool I suppose...if it's cool enough, I can overlook some problems.
2) Rey is Palpatine's grand daughter? Ok...I thought the Last Jedi was telling us that anyone could be special and that you didn't have to be related to some important, powerful person to make a difference...NOPE...turns out you do... and the galaxy is a really small place it seems.
3) If force ghosts can literally do EVERYTHING a regular Jedi can (except they can't die now) tell me again what the point is of living as a Jedi? If you can use the force to interact with real world objects, use a lightsaber, and talk with anyone...who in the world wouldn't want to just skip to force ghost stage and teleport wherever they wanna go?!
4) THE DEATH STAR BLEW UP!!! I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't see 1/4 of the Death Star gently fall unto a nearby moon/planet and I certainly wouldn't expect it to have working doors. This Death Star plot is so stupid and leads me to my next issue.
5) WHO IN THE WORLD CRAFTED AN "ANCIENT" SITH DAGGER TO MATCH THE OUTLINE OF THE DEATH STAR WRECKAGE?!?!?! This leads to the Sithway finder??? Are you kidding me?! Doesn't 30 years lend time for settling to happen, deterioration, etc??? Nope...apparently not.
6) Why is Rey so powerful? And why are we made to believe Kylo Ren is the biggest new bad, however, in TFA, he gets his butt handed to him by somebody who has never used a lightsaber before???
"iT's BeCaUsE rEy Is So PoWeRfUl"
7) How stupid is it that Snoke was just some goofy "clone"? Why not slowly introduce and build a compelling story as to how the Emperor managed to come back instead of doing some fake new bad guy that GUESS WHAT, SURPRISE is just a puppet of Palpy.
8) How did Palpatine fund, find resources for, and staff and army of mini Death Stars?! And if the Death Star's size was needed for the resources needed to power the laser how in the world did you somehow magically shrink that technology down exponentially and build 100s of them!?
I refuse to recognize Disney's The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, or Rise of Skywalker as canon in the Star Wars universe. They don't respect Star Wars, they don't love Star Wars, and they shouldn't make Star Wars..