Always Loved Dan Harris. I’m so appreciative of him sharing his story. I have crippling empathy for others, and my doctor said to work on it. I showed him Dan’s Book (that I read), and of course the app that i own, and he was thrilled. He was proud of me.
Side note: Sometimes Oren can tap into something that i do not even know was there (including that i had not truly mourned the death of one of my closest and greatest friends to suicide) - I cry like a baby, as i have my “ah ha moment”
I love all my 10% Happier Teachers very much. The “Talks” sometimes calm me down “pre-meditation.” So, Bravo. I don’t think 10% Happier can ever be matched.
Thank you Dan. Thank you Teachers. You’re good for my mind, heart, body, and soul. (And, hey, my doc is happy, too)
P.S. - Please excuse any errors. I just started wearing glasses, and this is my first Pandemic xoxo