First of all the guy who said Tarentino is the best filmmaker ever does not know a thing about filmMaking LOL he never heard of Spielberg, HITCHCOCK, COPPOLA, STANLEY KUBRICK,, Scorcese, Ford, Peckinpah, Penn Sergio Leone,the list goes on Jeez Tarentinos film are Childish over indulged and silly the set decoration was the best part being a period piece.. and it was
Not the golden age of HOLLYWOOD more like the Golden age of TV land a great time capsule for the baby boomers but BOUNTY LAW looked like a crappy TV show nothing like Rawhide or Dead or Alive......Decrapio was horrible in the TV show I would have watched that show if it was a real TV show..... too long but had some good moments this might be the ONLY Tarentino film I might watch again.......