It's certainly entertaining and even addictive for what it is. Actors are fine. Set, details, visuals, good.
For something that's supposed to be clever I find the plots, stories, reasonings, the "mind games" and the characters on the simplistic and shallow side, sometimes even lacking logic, or feels ridiculous or forced (i.e. very 2D malicious).
The three or four "actually/sometimes smart" characters are underwhelmed by hundreds of ridiculously foolish supporting/peripheral characters whom you have to endure the extreme idiocy or completely pointless violence of.
There is always some underwhelming justification/backstory for why someone is excessively malicious, evil, or stupidly violent. I mean, just because many of the characters are "bad" or "evil", doesn't mean stories and reasons given can just be random and non-logical.
The show tries hard to put on an air of smarts and depth, but is found wanting - maybe it's better to remain as a manga in 2D (it is cartoony after all) and not so in the flesh. For me, live action with real actors leads one to subconsciously expect more depth to characters, which is the major shortcoming of the series. Still entertaining and a good production, but def. NOT anything cerebral. ;)