Alright. So I've had this game for a couple of years now and well, it's not bad but there's a ton of things that just don't feel right or are just plain annoying. I do enjoy this game to a certain extent and there are plenty of reviews that give positives on the game but I'm going to focus on the things that don't feel right.
The multiplayer is annoying, I'm not just talking about "sweaty players", in fact it's just that lobbies aren't skill based and take ages to join. In the actual game though there needs to be much better balancing changes, there'll be like a couple of people on each team that is a hero pretty much the entire time and no matter how good you are they're pretty much unkillable unless you have like 20 teammates with you. These people will generally obtain about 50 kills per match leaving everyone else's game to be just running around then dying instantly.
The weapons seem to just be resprites of each other with minor stat changes and the time to kill is terribly long, even with headshots with a sniper. Speaking of snipers, all scopes are the same annoying green reticle thing and the class has annoyingly low health compared to the others. The other weapons that don't have scopes have no ADS, there aren't iron sights and the gun doesn't even straighten when you aim it just zooms in. There isn't any real variation or dynamics with the weapons, they all feel pretty much the same and the way there are only five weapons per class and three possible attachments for each just feels like no freedom.
So the class system is mildly annoying. With games such as COD, the player is given the option of making loadouts with whatever weapons they feel like choosing, however in Battlefront 2 you're forced into one of four classes, Each class is given five possible weapons (with only one available at the start) and have different abilities. There's nothing wrong with having classes, but in doing so there needs to be lots of customisation for your character to feel suited to you. The way that there's a limited set of possible things that you can customise with makes it so that there's bound to be a ton of people who's characters are identical to yours. Each class to be at its freest needs to be levelled up a ton which basically means hours upon hours of straight playing.
With Star Wars Battlefront 2 they appear to have given us some nice open and dynamic maps. Oh wait, that's just what it LOOKS like, really there's just a bunch of "corridor" type pathways around the map, boxed in by a load of unnecessary things (e.g. forest that you can't walk through but is there just to make it more open looking). I love the ideas for the planets and stuff but the actual areas you can travel through are very limited when compared with the overall map size (this is for the gamemodes like capital supremacy and galactic assault).
Character design
One of the things I LOVE about this game is the options for different appearances on troopers (specifically, but not limited to, clone troopers). Alright there was your dose of positive, now back to the rant. Ok the appearances are decent, BUT, you still have to unlock them with a (generally) absurd amount of credits. It's like a mini EA simulator.
The general character movement and gameplay is quite buggy and so it's never smooth feeling, there's a delay when moving and shooting and hitboxes are infuriating. Also you can't go prone!!!!