Mediocre, by itself would be a bad game, but it being a sequel to The Last of Us is an insult to anyone who ever liked the first game. The gameplay is more of the same, it is true that the graphics are good, but graphics do not make a game, story does, and that is where it falls apart. The storytelling is atrocious and the characters are horribly written, character death means absolutely nothing and when it does it's insulting to the character and the player. The ending is disgustingly unsatisfying and the message is flawed. "Vengeance is a bad thing" has already been done to death, even then, you CAN make a good game with this message, but this is not it. The game's attempt to make the player feel guilty are pathetic and lazy. Do NOT buy this game, there are no redeemable things about it outside of graphics and again, graphics does not and will never make a game good.