Having been raised in Kentucky, although not Appalachia, I appreciated the work by the actors and directors in creating an authentic backdrop of this part of the country. I was moved by the movie in many ways as it does depict what is a real struggle in this part of Kentucky. I have family (in-law) from far Eastern Kentucky who were able to escape what could be seen as a “no-way-out” existence and become successful with strong family dynamics, etc. The opioid crisis is real as far back as I can remember, especially in the 1990s. I shed tears many times during this movie, and thought Amy Adams portrayal of Bev was outstanding. Also, I grew up calling my grandparents Mamaw and Papaw. People who can’t appreciate this movie perhaps need to pay a visit. Family is everything and for the most part, Kentucky is full of good, hard-working people who are just trying to get through this life, raise their children, etc. It’s was a great place to live and grow up.