I use to love watching GMA. Not so much anymore. "Breaking News" really upsets me. This morning I saw "Breaking News" and it was a story I have been seeing since Sunday. It was about the children getting Covid 19... the rashes and lots of good info... but for the fourth day, it is no longer breaking news. This happens almost everyday. We have started watching other networks part of the time, just so we can see different news. Watching Covid 19 coverage all day every day is depressing a lot of people. I know we need to know what is going on but need a balance. Between hearing about NYC from Governor Coumo, state from our Gov. Edwards and local news and all the specials on the virus ... it is just too much. I would be more interested in the segments about more positive stuff. Another things the numbers about Covid don't always add up. Would be more interesting if you said Total who had the virus, those who got over the virus and those that still have it...