These games all are so shallow. You played the first level? Well the rest will be the same, just more. No story. You dont care about the characters journey. Its just hoard stuff, do stupid repetative tasks, till you reach the saferoom. The charcters stupid auto triggered banter is so out of touch. Still think dying light, (even though just as repetative) at least allowed a freerome.
This game is just one way to do something and thats it. Why dont they make it like if you choose to save the lone survivor he can aid you or potentially betray you strip you of your gear and send you out into the zone unarmed? Or you have to decide which 2 players must get to a point complete a tast then other 2 can reach their task?
No depth or team work at all. No sacrifice or strategy to gain more later. Plus you blend in too much with the zombies when they are close so ff is a real problem. Why not save a guy and hes the little bro to the head of a settlement whos well armed and supplied. You cant stay but we'll give you weapons ammo and a vic or you can have 2 dirt bikes or sacrifice the guns and ammo for a snowplow with chainsaw ports out the sides bus? Or you can say screw it lets betray them and take all we can or leave on good terms which could later help you. I wonder if they even try anymore😓 You must have 4 players to play? Thats counting on you have 4 friend who are all on at the sametime AND who want to play something with you die you start over? What of the lone single player why not incoperate a place for a random lone player to maybe be a door gunner on a chopper which cant really influence the game one way or another but if he or she is awesome, boom 4 people just added them and now they have people to play with. You cant tell me the im just trashing the game. Im offering real solutions to the overall lazy halfassed games that studios keep pumping out cause we keep buying them. I just dont get it. They have the opportunity to do great things and it just feels phoned in. Nothing new innovative or ground breaking.