this is movie. wow. i was debating on watching it because i felt as though i wouldn’t connect with the movie, at all. let me tell you i was incredibly wrong. cmbyn is beautiful, warming, and sad all in one. the relationship between elio and oliver is real, and beautiful. they fall in love in a gorgeous part of italy, and just click. the chemistry between them is absolutely perfect. they bonded over music, and let me tell you the music of this movie is beyond brilliant-wow, and other things, but what i love so much about this movie is it captures love that everyone dreams of. no social media (obviously), deep conversation, adventuring, and falling in love, not just for looks, or this, or that but for every little part of eachother. this is the type of relationship one dreams of. i seriously cannot stress enough the beauty of this film. as we get to know the elio and oliver’s relationship more, the closer you connect to the film. lastly, the ending left me in tears, for hours, and questioning love. please, if you are looking for a beautiful romance, watch this you will not regret it. again this movie made me realize so much and i was left connected to this movie as though i was in it. Timmy and Armie blew me away. 10/10.