Quick and dirty
+ Online is fun
+ New characters
+ Courses are decent
+ Can hit your ball on to other holes of the course without it being out of bounds, makes for fun strategy
- adventure mode has so much potential but it's garbage, takes literally 6 or 8 hours complete max
- no online leaderboard or permanent scoring like Mario kart, no incentive to keep playing online. Lots of matches end up randomly disconnecting from everyone, or since there's no penalty or scoring, people will leave the room if they're losing
- literally nothing to unlock besides a few clubs and outfits
- definitely feels like it was rushed to be released for summer, not worth it and feels more like something you would pay $5 for in the online store
-AI is complete garbage, you'll be busting -10 on 18 holes on the tough courses without effort. Only actual challenge is the rare times there's people online that are good at the game
- courses get tiring after a while, lots of courses have par 4 holes that should be par 5 or par 5 holes that should easily be par 4
- almost no replayability unless you have friends that are into Mario Golf or you don't mind online without scoring systems and with random disconnections
-nothing new for Nintendo but no chat online, if you bust a hole in one or a crazy shot there's no form of group celebration
TL;DR highly disappointing unless Nintendo patches it with more courses and characters, and extends adventure mode
Overall this is a huge flop compared to how good Mario golf 64 was, Mario Golf 64 was far more challenging and had unlockables that were a challenge to get. This feels as bland as Wii Sports golf
As of September 16th, the biggest flaw is for online ranked, you get ranked points even if you fail miserably. People seem to have figured out a bot system that takes small shots automatically 24/7 until they hit the maximum of 12 strokes and it ends their game, you can technically continually pressing A to take shots and get through a match then join a new match without having to press any other buttons allowing a bot to do this. Accounts Tygar and MastrSpark are doing this