Too much character exploration, not enough actual story.
I enjoyed Season 1 a lot, but in season 2 they seem to have abandoned Dud and Liz's story in order to develop each character in just as much depth. This would be fine if it didn't make it feel distinctly like they'd run out of story ideas, especially as the whole ensemble takes off for Mexico - to do nothing very much but come back. The finale was little more than an epilogue.
Then they abandoned the initial reality of Dud, Liz, the Lodge, and Ernie paying off debt and solving mysteries for L49 to become some wish-fulfilment fantasy where they didn't need to worry about it any more because they had each other. Starts edgy, ends cheesey.
The (annoying) Lamar and Janet characters monopolised the story for most of season 2, then inconsequentially disappeared, as did El Confidente, among others.
SPOILER: Struck by lightning? Deus Ex Machina, much?