It’s a ton that I can say that is wrong with this game and it sucks because it’s the same damn issues every year..but I’m am so fed up with madden now, that I am at the point now where this is just what EA is now... this is not football... this is just an annual cash grab. Almost like the mob showing up to everyone’s door to get their annual unearned fee from everyone...that’s all madden is, and real football fans like me continue to pay to have the football experiences, just for them to be thrown in our faces by glitches and exploits... I’ve had every madden consistently since madden 05... madden 09 from my college years being my favorite, and it’s safe to say I’m am done... this is it for me. Never again. And speaking of the record breaking score you got, others agree. Which is terrible. John Madden, if he was attached to the game like he was when the game was at its peak and EA actually cared, sees this game and it’s persistent issue, I would hope he would be embarrassed that his name is attached to it. And no legend should be attached to an atrocity that madden has become. Smh I will be waiting for 2k or some other company to attempt to right the ship, as I know after all these years madden is just not capable of affording their customers the product that they pay for every year like clockwork.