When a show is this misanthropic, I can't help but wonder what the real intent of the writers is. And Search Party isn't merely an indictment of Millenials, it's an indictment of humanity. But if the writers are just trying to tell us that people suck, well... ok, tell us something we *don't* know. Do you want us to feel better about ourselves by watching a bunch selfish jerks? I really don't know what the writers are trying to achieve.
There isn't a single likable character on the show -- characters range from annoying to contemptible. Dory, the main character, starts off almost likable in that she seems to be aware of the narcissism that surrounds her, but she eventually makes some terrible, self-absorbed choices, and that leaves pretty much no one to care about.
Because of the mostly over-the-top characterizations of narcissism, much of the humor potential is lost on me -- it's just too heavy-handed to be funny. The laughs were very few and far between.
A friend told me the show gets better, so I've forced myself to stick with it, but I'm in the middle of season 3 and can't put up with much more of this.