This firm is not going to win any Oscars, and in large measure, got slated by the critics, however I started watching this film, quite by accident, while looking for something to watch via Netflix as a late night-time filler. I had recently lost one of my brothers to Cancer for whom I was his primary carer and my mother a few years prior and am still haunted, in my brother’s case, by our conversations and events during the last 6 months of his life, in a ground hog kind of way and have really not been able to really move on from that point. This film, which I have to admit I almost switched a few times when I realised what the subject matter was, really is thought provoking, and I have to say after watching it twice, really has made me feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Is there such a thing a Collateral Beauty? I think, if you have experienced death and get stuck in the turbulence of grief that follows; the meaning of this film is abundantly clear. I feel watching this film has really helped me realise I can move on with my life, and for this I would give it an Oscar if I could. Thank you!