I love watching CBS this morning!! However over the last year and half I have noticed that it isn’t necessarily all about the news. Instead it’s the Gail King show (or at least to her it is). She is rude and inconsiderate to all the co-hosts. Constantly interrupting them. She has to have the FIRST and LAST word on each EVERY story. It is not only distracting but it gets annoying watching her talk over her co-hosts every chance she gets. Additionally I’m sad to see that Anthony and Tony are leaving. They are true professionals! They give your news show validity. I do not understand why they are being replaced. I feel that you replacing the wrong people. Gail King should be replaced with one of your other female co-hosts. People that are able to focus on the news and share the table. After all it is called CBS This Morning (Or at least until next Tuesday). Not the Gail King show.
Thank you