The premise seemed interesting. The country is in anarchy. People are rioting in the streets. There is no government, no law. And here is a family just trying to survive and keep their faith.
The entire thing was just SO poorly done. Why is there anarchy? I guess the economy collapsed. So I guess suddenly we have no police, military or government? C'mon. That's not going to happen in the US. And the anarchists signs on the rioters' shirts...? Dude. Could you be more heavy handed with your agenda?
Then the family. All cool with guns except for the one daughter. This turns into a guns and god debate through the whole movie. Her bad decisions really should have just killed the whole family really early on. All of the main characters are too busy bible thumping each other.
I fast forwarded through the movie after making it about half way through. The whole thing makes no sense.
Want a faith based action movie? Natural disasters (acts of god) knock out power. There is no information coming in. No one knows anything. Cars don't work. Major roads are blocked. Supply chains cut off. People start to panic. Gangs start to form. The family is the only one's that believe help is coming. They get saved in the end. There you go.