I saw you clip with the Canadian PPC leader. You say you have a fresh take in news and in the current issues?? Talk about another global mind set and tactics! We have too many immigrants coming to Canada that (are not )for the most part skilled nor necessary , workers! Walmart is not skilled workers which is where I am seeing a lot of immigrants getting employment. we do not have a high shortage in jobs?? We have a high homeless population some of which have two degrees from universities living in tents who can’t find work and because we / they do not have a fixed address they don’t get counted in the statistics. We have college students who can’t find employment because immigrants have taken our jobs..so debt goes up, wages go down, and taxes go up , in a minimum wage setting. we know thanks to Trudeau our higher taxes goes into housing and the high Canadian cost of living ( credit cards, car loans etc) for these immigrants who have not as yet contributed to the Canadian economy like those of us born and raised here and of which we can’t find those jobs you mentioned we have so many of , really??? This is a United Nations Agenda that you are clearly on the side of! I live on the Blood Reserve, my husband has a university degree and a Social work diploma and yet those jobs you say exist Can’t employ the original people of this great land!!! You mock US !! Your priorities are based in a false illusion of UN politics, social, economic and environmental agendas that will change every thing about our once free people and country.
Thank God for at least one Political party in Canada voicing truth, finally!! Truth in a increasingly wicked population is still truth and I say amen to it!