"No good deed goes unpunished." Despite trying to tackle themes of race, sexual orientation, motherhood and financial inequality, this show is at its base a story about a white woman, Elena, who - seemingly well-intentioned but also likely out of white guilt - rents an apartment to a single black mother, Mia, who is a sociopath. Mia is also a narcissist who has lived her life up to now doing what she wants, whenever she wants, always putting her daughter's needs last. When her teenaged daughter, Pearl, finally has enough and starts pointing this out to her, Mia flies into violent rages. She also gets involved with a co-worker, Bebe, who neither wants nor asks for her help, and ends up making the whole situation 100 times worse. No matter how many times she is asked to leave things alone by Peal or Bebe, Mia just plows ahead with the certainty that she knows better than everyone else. The actors are fantastic, but the characters are soap opera levels of over-the-top. Oh, and Izzy is a budding sociopath (fires, bed wetting and hurting animals is the triumvirate) and like certainly finds like when she finds Mia, which is a bit frightening. That would have made a good story all on its own.