SLOW slow slow. And yet compelling, chilling and wholly frustrating if you are a person who has ever tasted freedom. As a Christian, it is truly sad to see biblical passages turned into heresy and used to enslave, abuse or kill people - and that is difficult to watch. The pace is also slower than molasses and frankly, wearying after one or two episodes. Seriously, how many times can we watch Offred glare daggers at the camera without acting on her hatred!? Yet I do not turn it off, I continue to watch as the enigmatic cruelty sucks one in. I have also done the dastardly deed of reading future episodes to ascertain if ANYTHING will actually rectify itself to something good and worth my time. Right now? what saddens me most is that Season 4 is not the end and I will probably end up watching another non-finale in Season 5...unless I regain my good sense! Probably should have read the book. I do know I'd have had it done and completed eons ago! I recommend it if you want to be pissed off at overt displays of misogynistic sadism as well as misandrist abusive tactics all rolled up into a slo-mo series.