Personally I felt this game was as strong or stronger than the first game. Having just finished the sequel, I feel the same disbelief and awe as I did after finishing the first game 6-7 years ago.
Anyone giving this game a 3 or less has problems with women in general, not just the Naughty Dog universe. None of the characters are “ruined” as I’ve seen other reviewers post. I felt that they expanded more on the world of the Last of Us and the characters act pretty much as any other characters in post-apocalyptic / Zombo movies act. I really grit my teeth at some of Ellie’s choices but at the end of the day that shows how invested I was, doesn’t it.
Amazing story and really fun environments to explore. I don’t play a lot of shooters and I could see where people tire of the duck and cover firefights, but honestly I feel like it’s a fun challenge to see what you can do with 12 bullets and an empty bottle.
If you’re uncomfortable with anything that’s not like straight white male, I guess stay away from this game? But then again you’ve got bigger problems.