One of the most outstanding and captivating video game experiences I have ever had the pleasure of playing. Story, environment, sound, puzzles and mechanics are all a pure joy. It's rare games like this that make video gaming an interactive form of art that takes you on a journey as someone else and you come out the other side feeling you've experienced and learned something yourself, A game that is a truly innovative new IP, that I wish we saw more of in gaming today.
Combat is timing based and while not complex, it is very fluent, rewarding and also can be punishing. While repetitive at times, as there only a few different types of enemies outside the boss fights, it is done sparingly, only when appropriate in the story structure, and well done. Once invested in the story, the combat really is just a part of this gaming experience, nicely paced between the story and puzzles and the personal journey.
Bravo Ninja Theory on a game well done.